Dear POMPC members, friends, and supporters,
We’re reaching out to you as we acknowledge that our dear friend and board member KC has, for personal reasons, resigned from POMPC.
We wanted to recognize and honor her for her efforts in the developing the suicide prevention program and her contributions to our other signature events which include Koffee Hour, PJ Night, and the annual wellness walk among others.
We want to thank you all out there for your incredible support of POMPC as we continue to support mental wellness and brain health in developing innovative programs as a response to changing community needs.
Please mark your calendars for these POMPC events during the month of December:
PJ NIGHT- December 8th. 5:30-7:30pm “Finding Nemo” Neptune Theater.
Free but registration required:
Koffee Hour - December 11th. 1:00-2:30pm
Building Community through Gingerbread. Ocean Park Lutheran Church.
QPR Training – December 14th. 2:30-4pm
Question, Persuade, Refer (Suicide Prevention Training) Ocean Park Timberland Library Community Room
Free but registration required:
Blue Christmas – December 21st. 6:30-7:30pm (A non-denominational interactive support service for those who experience difficulties during the holidays) Ocean Park Lutheran Church. The service is followed by a chili and cookie fellowship. Free no registration required.
As always, we welcome volunteers at these events. If you are moved to join us, please call Nikki @ 360.642.3448 or email [email protected]
The Executive Committee,
“Shame dies when stories are told in safe places” – Ann Voskamp
We’re reaching out to you as we acknowledge that our dear friend and board member KC has, for personal reasons, resigned from POMPC.
We wanted to recognize and honor her for her efforts in the developing the suicide prevention program and her contributions to our other signature events which include Koffee Hour, PJ Night, and the annual wellness walk among others.
We want to thank you all out there for your incredible support of POMPC as we continue to support mental wellness and brain health in developing innovative programs as a response to changing community needs.
Please mark your calendars for these POMPC events during the month of December:
PJ NIGHT- December 8th. 5:30-7:30pm “Finding Nemo” Neptune Theater.
Free but registration required:
Koffee Hour - December 11th. 1:00-2:30pm
Building Community through Gingerbread. Ocean Park Lutheran Church.
QPR Training – December 14th. 2:30-4pm
Question, Persuade, Refer (Suicide Prevention Training) Ocean Park Timberland Library Community Room
Free but registration required:
Blue Christmas – December 21st. 6:30-7:30pm (A non-denominational interactive support service for those who experience difficulties during the holidays) Ocean Park Lutheran Church. The service is followed by a chili and cookie fellowship. Free no registration required.
As always, we welcome volunteers at these events. If you are moved to join us, please call Nikki @ 360.642.3448 or email [email protected]
The Executive Committee,
“Shame dies when stories are told in safe places” – Ann Voskamp
POMPC is a peer support organization: We’ve all been through our own mental health struggles and want to help other community members through theirs. Our programs are always free and include support groups, events and trainings to promote mental wellness, such as:
- Koffee Hour, a peer led directed conversation group with different topics of discussion and associated activities.
- Grief Talk, a loss support group for those who experience significant loss in life of any kind.
- Senior Men’s Group, where men where men of a 'certain' age can connect over coffee with confidential conversation.
- Art for a Healthy Mind, modeled on an evidence based program, participants explore emotions through various arts media.
- Family PJ Movie Night, an annual event promoting emotional intelligence growth in children and family togetherness..
- Blue Christmas, every Winter Solstice (December 21st) we gather offering non-denominational but spiritual support to those who suffer during the holidays.
- STARS (Stop The Alarming Rise of Suicide), our suicide prevention initiative, newly developed offering training and support for suiucide prevention.
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training
- Mental Health Awareness Walk, an annual advocacy event dedicated to raising awarenss and breaking the stigma around mental health every May.
- Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) suicide prevention training
- Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) resiliency training
POMPC is funded by grants and generous donations by folks like you! We strive to provide all programming FREE of charge to the community!

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